-->the kid<---

call me...fishy.. fio.. lyn.. kitty.. cow.. fiofio.. soh poh.. watever u like ler.. =/
birthdai...11/15/1990 =]
interest...GBGBGB~!!! LOL ps2.. piano.. violin.. arts.. archery..
Expertise...nothing.. -o-"
lub 2 being called a moron LOL
i'm piggy's fishy =]
puppay's kittay =D
juju's ah cow -..-"

-->bully her<--

hp#...+6017xxxx559 guess it urself...if u wan.. >=P

-->childhood memories<--

November 2004

December 2004

January 2005

February 2005

March 2005

April 2005

May 2005

July 2005

September 2005

-->feels like...<--

-->piss her<--

-->gang memberz<--

**BlAck H3artEd**



**Soo Imm**





**Kuen Thai**



~:*:wiNg H4nG:*:~



*HUGS* TOTAL! give Fishy more *HUGS*
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-->get her<--

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link me with these link buttons...if u wan =]


-->candy shops<--

just hold on
Ff SymPh0nY
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Thursday, December 16, 2004

--> ~:*:ooooo hometown!!!!:*:~ <--

ewewewewewewewe~~~~~ i'm going 2 muh hometown man!!! must b very very very very very very very very very veeeeeeeeeeeeerrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy BORING AHHHHHHHH~!!! well actually itz not the place i born in... itz muh dad'z hometown... muh dad livez there when he was a tiny winy lil kid @@" and we hav some relativez there =/ therez a shop opposite muh grandpa'z mansion, and everytime when i got nothing 2 do i'll go buy some yummy snackz from tat shoppy ^^~ waste my money on those junk foodz sure get scold by parentz @@" tiz time i'm going 2 muh hometown by muh uncle's car, so will b earlier than muh dad n bro T.T so 'cham' ooooo ToT and we r going 4 my cousin's wedding dinner on sunday nite. coming home on monday T.T i cant play GB 4 three days leh~ sad T.T oooo~~

-->the kid<-- | 5:42 PM

Sunday, December 12, 2004

--> ~:*:hAmtAr0:*:~ <--

muh hamster MR.HAMTARO Posted by Hello itz sooooooooooooooo cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute~!!!!!!! LOVE IT SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! oh my mom.... i beg my mom 4 buying it bout 1 year~!!! D*MN HARD U KNOW!? itz my precious~ my love~ my...uhh....wat more?

-->the kid<-- | 3:15 AM

Monday, December 06, 2004

--> ~:*: i Love U!!! :*:~ <--

I LOVE U SO MUCH~!! as a friend :P haha~! got fooled by me? bleh~ =P ~:*:Friends:*:~ Just had 2 send a special friend a wish 4 LOVE n laughter. when life gets u down and nothing seems 2 go ur way, remember u owayz hav a friend. when friends pitch in, good times follow!! itz not how much we do, itz how much LOVE we put into doing it. (making a present 4 u~!) the time tat good friends share 2gether will last in memory 4ever. it takes 72 muscles 2 frown, and only 14 to smile =] take good care of ur friends or u will regret 4ever...

-->the kid<-- | 11:13 PM

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

--> ~:*:BlackPeach:*:~ <--

~:*:BLacKzZ:*:~ Peach^^ Posted by Hello

-->the kid<-- | 8:10 PM